Cleaning Your Dental Implants
Maintaining your dental implants is crucial for protecting their lasting health. It’s particularly important in the days immediately after surgery to support the healing process. You’ll need to be gentle on your mending gums yet thorough enough to protect yourself from infection.
Keep these points in mind while caring for your new dental implant restorations:
- Food particles and bacteria can come to rest in the areas around the implant. Keep these areas clean to reduce the formation of plaque and avoid infection.
- Brush twice a day and floss regularly to keep the areas between your teeth and dental crowns free of food particles and bacteria. Make sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-whitening fluoridated toothpaste.
- Gum stimulators should be used regularly to encourage gum growth. They’re crucial for maintaining the health of your dental implants.
- Visit Dr. Dillard for regular dental exams and professional cleanings to prevent any possible complications down the line.
Aftercare and Maintenance
The first 48 hours after dental implant surgery are crucial for the success of your procedure. Follow these tips to help promote a smooth recovery and avoid any complications:
- Don’t disturb the treatment site
- Brush your teeth gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush
- Rinse your mouth with warm salt water 2-3 times per day after meals
- Apply a cold compress as needed to reduce facial swelling or bruising
- Get plenty of rest and avoid strenuous activity
- Avoid spitting or using a straw to prevent a dry socket
- Don’t smoke or drink alcohol, as these can inhibit healing
You may experience symptoms including dry lips, a sore throat, and stiff jaw muscles. This is normal when using gauze immediately after implant surgery and should subside quickly.
Enjoy Your New Smile
By following these simple guidelines, you’ll protect your new implant restorations and help ensure a lifetime of satisfaction with your smile.
Give us a call at (843) 881-8775 or fill out a contact form if you have any questions about the recovery process. Dr. Dillard and his team are always happy to offer support and information or assist you with any concerns.